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MusiCounts, Canada's music education charity, believes music can transform the lives of young people. We’re working to build a thriving culture of music education across Canada that prioritizes inclusivity, sustainability, and innovation.

Why MusiCounts

Music education has a ripple effect. Youth are not only exposed to the unending joys of music; they also experience the benefits across all areas of their lives. Confidence. Emotional and mental wellbeing. Identity. Connection and communication.

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Our Programs

We invest in schools and communities nationwide through our granting programs, empower youth through training and career development, and give a national voice to the importance of music education.

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Join our community of champions for music education. Support our programs, raise funds on MusiCounts' behalf, or volunteer your time.

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News & Announcements

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RBCxMusic First Up Program Powered by MusiCounts

The RBCxMusic First Up Program, Powered by MusiCounts, will offer a transformational professional development experience to 30 emerging artists and music professionals who represent the next generation of Canada’s music industry.


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