5 Music Programs Making Waves in their Community

mai 10, 2024

MusiCounts has not only provided grants for school music education, but also for recreational programs through the SiriusXM Soundwaves MusiCounts Community Fund. Over the years, we have funded exceptional organizations across Canada and we love to hear stories & the impact of these community programs.


Credit: African Nova Scotian Music Association

Making music in community settings can be a powerful way for kids to express themselves, so it is important to support them. Here are just a few of the communities MusiCounts has worked with:

Fiddles North

Operating in Nunavut, Fiddles North/Violons Nord is dedicated to teaching the fiddle in a workshop-style setting to unite remote Indigenous communities and kids who don’t have regular access to music education.

Visit: https://www.fiddles-north.ca/

Centre de pédiatrie sociale de Québec

The various centre de pédiatrie sociale locations in Québec provide safe spaces for children, parents and families living in poverty and/or struggling financially. This organization offers music therapy programs, which is a unique approach to music education MusiCounts is proud to support.

Visit: https://pediatriesocialequebec.org/

African Nova Scotian Music Association

Nurturing African Nova Scotian talent on a local, national, and international scale is at the forefront of this organization. ANSMA promotes, develops, and educates aspiring young African musicians by providing music industry networking opportunities and building partnerships.

Visit: https://ansma.ca/about/

Rock and Roll Society of Edmonton

Born from a rock band themselves, the Rock and Roll Society of Edmonton’s Centre for Arts and Music Program works with vulnerable schools and communities that otherwise wouldn’t have access to music education. Together, students learn how to write songs, play instruments, sing and perform.

Visit: https://www.edrocks.ca/

Vancouver Adapted Music Society

Founded by two musicians with high-level disabilities, Vancouver Adapted Music Society is home to the only fully-accessible recording studio in Canada and offers up-and-coming artists with physical disabilities in the Metro Vancouver area lessons, books concerts, helps produce music, videos, and more.

Visit: https://vams.org/

Community music making takes a village! Shout-out to all the instructors, teachers, leaders, students, and participants who are the reason community music programs continue to flourish in Canada.

Learn more about our SiriusXM Soundwaves MusiCounts Community Fund and apply for your community program.


SiriusXM Soundwaves MusiCounts Community Fund

Music education that takes place in community contexts across Canada is a vibrant practice that MusiCounts is proud to support. The SiriusXM Soundwaves MusiCounts Community Fund grants community groups and not-for-profit organizations up to $20,000 for instruments, equipment, and resources to sustain existing music programs or build new programs from the ground up.