Corporate Philanthropy
As MusiCounts continues to evolve, collaborate, and innovate, our ability to help in-need schools and communities relies on the dedication, strength, and loyalty of the corporate partnerships we build and nurture.

Your support gives us the ability to expose youth to the extensive benefits of music education and helps us provide the necessary musical instruments, equipment, and resources needed by schools and communities across the country. MusiCounts continues to forge strong networks that go beyond the classroom, helping companies meet their corporate social responsibility goals by supporting MusiCounts programs.

Corporate Community Investors
MusiCounts strives to form mutually beneficial relationships with all corporate community investors. By aligning your company’s giving priorities with MusiCounts, you are joining a community of Canadian artists, music educators, companies, foundations, and individuals that share MusiCounts’ vision and goals.
To share your corporate community investment priorities, please contact Regan Harney, Senior Manager, Development & Partnerships.