Fundraisers Supporting MusiCounts

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Canada's Great Kitchen Party

Canada's Great Kitchen Party is a proud and ongoing supporter of MusiCounts and believes all youth should have access to music education.


Dwayne Gretzky New Year's Eve 2025

The announcement you've been waiting for alllll year is finally here! Dwayne Gretzky’s New Year’s Eve 2025 is back live at History Toronto, and they can't wait to ring in the new year with all of you!


Walterstock 3

Walterstock's annual charity show is back for its third year!


Deloitte's Got Talent

Deloitte Canada is proud to partner with MusiCounts to support music education in Canada with its annual Deloitte’s Got Talent showcase, which is a one-night only concert being hosted on Thursday October 17, 2024 at the historic Opera House venue in Toronto, showcasing Deloitte Professionals taking the big stage and knocking your socks off. Performances include bands, soloists, dancers, a super dog act and more! This showcase is always a major success as it reinforces the importance of music and the arts across generations, cultures and industries!


Niagara Jazz Festival

TD Niagara Jazz Festival will be donating $1 per ticket sold in support of MusiCounts, starting with ticketed concert events during summer festival week from June 21 to 29 2024.