Leadership Circle
In 2016, Stephen Stohn and Linda Schuyler made an extraordinary pledge of $500,000 in matching funds to MusiCounts in support of the MusiCounts Band Aid Program. Through their long-standing history with the charity, they recognized that MusiCounts had the power to continue changing the landscape of music education for children across Canada, and wanted to inspire others to get involved and support the mission of the charity.
Every individual who donated $10,000 or more was invited to join a new community of donors called the MusiCounts Leadership Circle.

Linda Schuyler and Stephen Stohn, Founders of the MusiCounts Leadership Circle
MusiCounts continues to invite and engage leaders and influencers to join the Leadership Circle to support our ongoing efforts to provide musical instruments, equipment, and resources to schools in need across Canada. As a member of the MusiCounts Leadership Circle, we look to you to make our vision of accessible music education for all young people in Canada a reality and help drive this change.
"The work that MusiCounts does through its Band Aid Program has a widespread, tangible impact, not only for kids enrolled in school today, but for kids enrolling for many years to come. They will reap the benefits of music education because of the thousands of musical instruments MusiCounts supplies across Canada each year. I encourage everyone to join us in supporting MusiCounts’ mission to make music accessible to all children and youth." - Mark Cohon, former chair of CARAS/The JUNO Awards & MusiCounts.
To further discuss your support and involvement, please contact Kristy Fletcher, MusiCounts' President.
Leadership Circle Members
We extend our very special thanks to the donor members of the MusiCounts Leadership Circle, each of whom have committed a gift of $10,000 or more:
Stephen Stohn and Linda Schuyler*
Alex Bellamy
Alex Andrews and Alicia Neufeld
Aubrey Winfield
Bernard and Carole Crotty
Bob and Jan Ezrin*
Brian Cartwright
Daniel S. Janis*
David Kines and Teresa Walsh
David Moyse
Deane Cameron and Christina Martinez Cameron*
Derrick Ross
Devlin Family
Diane Roblin Fund
Dylan Lennox Memorial Fund
Eleanor McCain
Gabriella Sharrard and the Randy Sharrard Band Aid Fund
George Cohon*
Heather Cartwright
Jackie Dean
Jennifer Witzel
Jocelyn Flanagan
Karen Green
Madeleine Chase Tobin-Latimer
The Maggie Hermant Band Aid Fund
Mark and Suzanne Cohon*
Meredith Cartwright
Peter Steinmetz Q.C. and Elke Steinmetz
Rob G. Sobey & Monique Sobey
Ross and Jane Reynolds
Scott Mackenzie
Steve & Debbie Kane
Viewpoint Foundation
W. Brett Wilson*
Warren and Maureen Spitz
*Founding Donor of the MusiCounts Leadership Circle