Donate Aeroplan Points
Aeroplan points help MusiCounts remain connected to the communities we impact across Canada. By donating Aeroplan points to MusiCounts, especially points that are expiring soon, you’ll help us direct more funds straight to providing inclusive, accessible, and sustainable music education to Canadian youth through the MusiCounts Band Aid Program.

How We Use Aeroplan Points
- Attend and present at music education conferences and events to raise awareness about MusiCounts and our program offerings and to advance important issues in music education
- Meet with music educators and key industry professionals to foster key relationships and better understand the state of music education in Canada
- Facilitate celebrations across the country with program recipients and Canadian artists to inspire and excite the next generation of Canadian music lovers
- Provide a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for the MusiCounts Teacher of the Year nominees to attend the JUNO Awards both to celebrate their outstanding contributions to music education in Canada and to highlight the important role teachers play in the music industry ecosystem
- Attend fundraising events to put instruments, equipment, and resources into the hands of kids who need them most
Help MusiCounts ensure inclusive and equitable music education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for kids in Canada by donating your Aeroplan points today.