In Memoriam & Tribute Gifts

MusiCounts is honoured to help you mark an occasion or remember a loved one fondly by establishing a dedicated page for contributions to Canada's music education charity. Donations support the MusiCounts Band Aid Program, and may be directed to an already established or a newly created fund.


In Memoriams Supporting MusiCounts

Mark a special occasion, sympathize a loss, honour an important individual or organization, or celebrate a great accomplishment by making a gift to MusiCounts. Create a lasting legacy in memory of a loved one by helping others foster their love of music.

For all In Memoriam and tribute gift inquiries please contact

If requested, MusiCounts will be pleased to send honourees or loved ones a personalized letter to notify them of contributions. Please include all relevant information in the online donation form. If you prefer to send a cheque, please include all details in an accompanying note. You may mail the cheque to:

219 Dufferin Street, Suite 211C
Toronto, ON
M6K 3J1

Have questions about donating to MusiCounts? Check out our FAQ page!